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>> ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The Programme is about to proceed.
>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, we will continue with the Internet Governance Forum 2024. Now the next one, the next speaker is going to talk about a very important topic. Please use the interpretation headsets. Please welcome on stage, Eugene Kaspersky, Founder and CEO Kaspersky to deliver a speech about Immunity, The Future of the Digital World. Please join me in welcoming him on stage.
>> EUGENE KASPERSKY: Thank you for the opportunity to speak from the stage. I am Eugene Kaspersky from the business from the Private Sector, working in Cybersecurity for more than 30 years. And in being in Cybersecurity, there are several things to do to protect from different kind of cyber threats. The technologist, second education. And then Global enforcement, international cooperation and cyber bullies. I'm from the business community and I will speak about technologies.
What we do we protect from the different attacks on the digital systems. And being the Cybersecurity for many years, recognize that Cybersecurity is good but sometimes it is not enough. It is time to think about cyber community, security by design. I will speak about that in my presentation. So which problems we are facing in cyberspace when we speak about cyber threats. First of all the cybercrime is Global problem, it is massive. Second, we see more and more highly professional targeted attacks, which is real problem for enterprises, Governments, and industrial Sector. And the third, we see highly professional attacks on infrastructure, on the physical systems, on the networks, including the critical infrastructure. And I am going to explain the problems and solutions one by one.
First of all, the Global cybercrime, how big the problem is and the numbers, their scale.
Every day, we find in the Internet more than four hundred thousand new unique attacks. We find more than four hundred thousand different types of attacks that we never saw before. I'm here in Saudi Arabia three days, we'll collect on the Internet more than one million types of attacks.
So the numbers are huge.
How many criminals are behind that? How many hackers create it? There are many. From many countries, speak many languages, there are many.
There is a QR code, if you want to learn more check the technical information. You are welcome to click on the links. So here, we have the Cybersecurity industry, it is fine with this Global problem, it is a huge number.
We have to release updates to the Cybersecurity products. There is artificial intelligence, that is complicated. I will not talk about the technical details. Once again, there is a QR code and link if you want to learn more information. So speaking about the Global cybercrime, we can protect you from all kind of attacks and we can do it with almost 100% of the currency, so the Cybersecurity in this case is almost 100%. And we do 99.3% of this ways with the artificial intelligence systems. That is why for example, in my company we have more than 30 mathematicians, 30 Ph.D.s to work this artificial intelligence system. Technically, we can solve the problem. But unfortunately, the criminals are getting more experience, they learn. They exchange information and join highly professional criminal gangs and these gangs are able to protect even very well protected enterprise, Governments, industrial Sectors. The numbers are scaling. So in the past, 10 years ago, there was a dozen of such hackers, criminal gangs.
In 2016, there were about 100. Now we are observing about a thousand of the professional gangs, both the cybercrimes and the espionage. It is a number that is growing. It is more and more complicated to protect the big businesses, with large enterprise, their Government Sector, from the professional hacker attacks.
Okay, we're working on the technologies to do that as well. And unfortunately, it is getting more complicated and more expensive, because to protect from the highly complicated hacker attacks, we need to create the multilayered security solutions, which also based on the artificial intelligence. In this case, we detect that something is going wrong in the network. Our artificial intelligence system, they detect anomalies. That is something. A different sound, a different smell, this kind. Little smoke is coming from the network. It means something is wrong there.
So in this case, we can ring the bell, that you have unwanted guests in your network. And this way we protect.
We can do it. What about the industrial Sector. More and more criminal and highly professional attacks. They're expanding from the office networks, to attack also the sky and Internet of Things. Can we protect it? Of course. Unfortunately, when you speak about Internet of Things, they're critical infrastructure, Cybersecurity is not enough.
Simply because the Cybersecurity is a kind of risk management. We can estimate how much we lose in case of successful hackers attack. How much we lose from our pocket, how much we lose in our business and we can balance that with investment in Cybersecurity.
When we speak about critical infrastructure, their possible damage from the hackers' attack, it is unpredictable and endless.
It could be the numbers like a national economy, attacks for example, on energy, on transportation and critical systems.
So the damage is unpredictable, and the Cybersecurity doesn't concede the risk.
Was there an answer? The answer is security by design or cyber immunity.
Can we build cyber immunity, build it on top of the existing systems, like Microsoft Windows and Linux? Unfortunately, I don't know if that is how we have to do it. That is why not just my company but others, they're working on cyber immunity. It is a different architecture of operating systems. Which guarantee that is unhackable. It is based on the isolation.
So it is the related system and communicate only through the security layer which checks the behavior. It means that if any component of the system has a wrong behavior, nontrusted behavior, it is insulated.
Technically, it is not possible to hack this system, not possible to hack their device or network which is waste on the architecture. Comparing with usual operating system. If you hack a component, you can get access to the rest of the system, it is barely hacked. So we have a Cybersecurity for individuals, small business, which have a solution for enterprises and to protect from hacker attacks which are highly professional. And we believe for the future, infrastructure and critical systems, the Internet of Things, there is only one solution, cyber immunity, the new architecture of operating systems. It is not a dream. We have already some devices based on that, industrial gateways, IT gateways, thinking along the lines of immune system.
I have a prototype I don't want to call it smartphone, because it is just a prototype. Not too much functional, but it is better than Nokia. And it is immune, it is unhackable. It is based on this architecture.
Yes, it works.
It looks like Android, but it is not Android. So I believe that the future of the cyberspace of the digital systems especially critical infrastructure and Internet of Things, it is a new architecture that is a new design of the system based on cyber immunity. We're moving to the cyber age fastly, and I believe it is not possible to happen or be there without cyber immunity.
Only with cyber immunity, we can build a safe, secure, digital world. And I hope that I will find there people that agree with that. Friends which will help me to follow this way. Thank you, thank you very much.