>> DENIZ WAGNER: Okay.  I think we should get started.  And we'll kick off and there's people I'm hearing also in the room physically, so should probably not keep them waiting any longer.  So, hi, everyone.  And also, good afternoon to those…
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>> NAOYA BESSHO: Shall we start.  Thank you for joining our session, the session for the Trusted Personal Information Management Service, TPDMS.       I'm representing Information Technology Association Japan…
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>> All right, everyone, this is Workshop number 149.  Video Regulation, Fair Contribution and Local Content Contributions.  Okay? So let's start the workshop.  I wanted to ‑‑ thank you.  Here are the speakers of this session.  Local…
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>> SHANNON TEWS: Good morning, everybody, thank you for joining our panel.  This is a 10‑year ‑‑ this discussion we had 10 years ago in IGF in Bali in 2013, and can we're ‑‑ I'm excited to have it today, because there's so much that…
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>> MODERATOR:  Good morning to all of you, such a pleasure to have your presence here in this beautiful, beautiful setting of Kyoto.  It's my pleasure, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the organizers and the hosts themself and on behalf of…
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>> MODERATOR: Welcome, everybody.  So we are starting for this new panel with some questions and also we remark something that has been said in the previous panels.  We are halfway through the 2030 approved in 2015 and we have to remark that…
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>> MODERATOR: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the Fourth High Level Session that is themed Access and Innovation for Revitalizing the SDGs.  We are more than pleased to be having you all here back again.  I am a journalist,…
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>> DEBORAH STEELE: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to begin the next session.  So, if you would take your seats, please.Hello, and welcome to High-Level Session II, Evolving Trends in Misinformation and Disinformation.  I'm…
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>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  We are about to start our next session.  The Leadership Panel presenting the Internet P1 paper if you could please take your seats.  Thank you very much and thank you for your…
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>> BARATANG MIYA: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the Women in IGF session.  We only have like 25 minutes. Is it 25 minutes? Oh, 10:30.  So, again, welcome, everyone. My name is Baratang Miya. I am from Girlhype Women Who Code. And we're…
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>> VERENA WEBER: So, I am pleased to start this workshop on Financing Broadband Networks of the Future. So, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, everyone. Hello to the participants in the room. As I said, don't be shy, join us at the…
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>> ANDREA CALDERARO:  I can start.  Anyway, this is going to be a very informal session.  It's a networking session.  How many of you have ever attended a networking session before?  No?  Good, that's what we are…
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>> IWAO HOSAKO: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this session.  My name is Iwao Hosako of National Institute of Information and Communication Technology Japan.  And we organized the session and we would like to start this session.…
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IGF 2023 – Day 0 – Event #203 Building Resilient Infrastructure >> KEN KATAYAMA: Again, for those sitting on the outside, you're more than welcome to sit in here. Also, because we want to ask questions, it's easier for me to…
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>> NILS BROCK: Okay. Konnichiwa. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and welcome to our session, "Agents of Inclusion."  We are happy to see so many familiar faces here that found their way to Kyoto and also so many familiar…
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