>> MENNO ETTEMA: Very good. Okay, it's quarter past 2:00, I think 1:15 in Addis Ababa, and 8:15 in the morning in New York ‑‑ >> SIMONA CRUCIANI: Two hours ahead of you.  >> MENNO ETTEMA: There you go, so 4:15…
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>> EVA IGNATUSCHTSCHENKO: Good, I think we're in time. I think there will be more people joining in the room probably as we go, but I want to kick off because you're all waiting desperately for the session to start, I'm sure. Welcome…
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>> DANIEL NANGHAKA: Welcome, good morning. It's a chilly morning and welcome to this session of promoting the modern Internet standards. It's a pleasure with support from the GFCE, the Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands, we're…
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>> CHAIR:  Good afternoon.  And thank you for coming for the launch of the cybersecurity model laws in Africa.  As you know we have ‑‑ we had a meeting ‑‑ we validated this report, this guideline during the African Internet…
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>> JENNIFER CHUNG: For our session, just making sure we have all of our panelists and co‑chairs online and making sure that the captioner can hear what we're saying in room and same with the Zoom.  Okay, I see that there is some…
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>> SHIVANEE THAPA BASNYAT: A warm welcome.  We hope lunch was good and I hope it gets you right set in both spirits and ready for another engaging session here at the auditorium. I'm Shivanee Thapa Basnyat, from Senior News Editor,…
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>> PAUL SCULLY:  ‑‑ to find innovative solutions to local development challenges and that's been particularly successful in stimulating digital economies and there are about 50,000 people that have been trained over the last two …
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               …free of services. Very critically, the strategy looks at coherence of policy frameworks. While also assessing what are the infrastructure needs, which will power…
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>> MODERATOR: Welcome, everybody, it's a great pleasure to be here, we wanted to begin ‑‑ extend a big thanks to the hosts of the IGF 2022.  Enabled us to have this exchange.  But also a big, big thank you to a lot of members of…
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>> ROBERTO ZAMBRANA: Thank you very much.  (Speaking Spanish) >> NICOLAS FIUMARELLI: We will do a ‑‑ we won't do English translation, but don't worry, we will do the translation later.  I will be speaking in…
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>> ROXANA RADU: I think we are good to go.  I'm not able to see the room just yet.  You will be confirming if that's already on your side? >> YIK CHAN CHIN: Yep, we are ready to go.  Can we start? >> ROXANA…
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>> DMITRY EPSTEIN: Hello, everyone.  We will start in a few minutes. >> ROXANA RADU: Good morning, everyone.  I think we will start in the next minute or so.  I see more people are logging in.  So we will give…
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>> MODERATOR: As you can see, we're very proud, thanks to the support of other stakeholders, in four years, we have the indicators embraced by 44 countries across five continents.  You can see Africa is the leading continent, having many…
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>> MARK CARVELL: All right, okay, sorry, I didn't realize I had to switch on my laptop.  I've been speaking to the room here on the mic.  I was just saying that I'm the onsite moderator here for this Internet Society session, and on…
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>> MODERATOR: Good Morning -- or good morning.  Good afternoon!  Can I just check everyone's here for the same session? >> Yes. >> The session on democracy.  Yes. >> Yes. >> MODERATOR: It's…
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