>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: We'll just give it the extra two minutes for people to come on.  So we'll start in two minutes.  Thanks.   Hello.  Good afternoon again.  Good morning.  And evening, ladies and…
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 >> CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Just a reminder before we start, the meeting is being recorded., also transcribed and there will be a summary of the meeting published afterwards on the IGF website. With that, I will hand over the floor…
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>> CHENGATAI MASANGO: We'll be giving the traditional two minutes, just to let other people join in. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to a MAG meeting/open consultations on the format and designs of IGF 2021.  Just…
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 >>CHENGETAI MASANGO:   Anriette, I'll leave it up to you.  You can start whenever.  >>CHAIR ESTERHUYSEN:   Hi, everyone.  Welcome back.  I hope you had a good break.  And I hope that Joyce and…
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 >>CHENGETAI MASANGO: I think it's two minutes past.  So I think it's time to start.    Good morning, afternoon, evening, ladies and gentlemen.  This is the second day of the MAG meeting.  And just a quick…
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 >>CHAIR ESTERHUYSEN:  Welcome back, everyone.  I think we are ready to start.  Is everyone with us?  Secretariat, are you with us?  And, Luis, it looks like everyone is back.  So welcome back to all our…
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 >>CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to the first day of the MAG meeting of these Open Consultations.  So it's a MAG meeting but observers are allowed, and it's…
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>>CHENGETAI MASANGO: I think it's now 10:40. We'll just give an extra minute for people to get to their chairs.  Anriette, our chair, has said that she thinks that everything is fine now. So we'll let her reconvene the meeting. …
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>>CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Okay, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for joining us.  I know it's very early for some and very late for other people as well.  So thank you for being able…
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>>CHENGETAI MASANGO:   Good afternoon, good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you very much for joining us.  And welcome to our afternoon session.  And in this session, as I hope you can see on our schedule, is a meet…
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>> CHRISTINE MHUNDWA:  Hello everyone. >> Hello. >> Well, this is Helena Dias.  Thanks for this organisation and how this presentation is about to start.  I want to inform you that the icon in the questions and…
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  >> GREGORY ENGELS: It's 12:50.  The official start time.  Should we start? >> BAILEY LAMON: I guess we're going to have to. >> GREGORY ENGELS: Okay.  Welcome, everyone. Are we ready to go? …
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  >> MARIETJE SCHAAKE: Hello!  Officially, welcome, everybody!  We heard that the stream may have already been on for a while.  You may have seen some informal preplanning.  Now we are very happy to kick off this…
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  >> Hello.  So we'll be starting the Livestream service in three minutes.  So we can start on time.  Is that okay? >> JOHN HERING: Welcome to the IGF 2020 session, a Recipe for Deterrence in Cyberspace for what…
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  >> VINICIUS SANTOS: Hi, Ian, welcome, do you copy us? >> IAN BROWN: Hi, everyone. >> VINICIUS SANTOS: Testing the microphone.  Carlos? >> CARLOS ALBERTO AFONSO: It's working? >> VINICIUS…
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