>> CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Okay.  Good evening, afternoon and morning, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to MAG Virtual Meeting number 14.  Yes, number 14.  As usual, the meeting is being recorded.  There is also…
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     >> CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Okay.  Good afternoon, morning, and evening, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to MAG Meeting Number 13.  Thank you very much for joining us.  Just out of the way, the…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello.  Hello, everybody.  Welcome to the session.  And the future of the Internet of Things.  We'll be talking about, how to get to a more secure future with more IoT devices.  We're joined today by…
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>> GUNELA ASTBRINK: Good morning, everyone.  This is the Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability Session.  Our opportunity once a year to have a face to face at the IGF.  And we have a number of remote participants as…
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>> ANDREA THILO: Thank you all very much.  We are now changing to our next subject, which will be the Internet Governance related to the Sustainable Development Goals.  I'm very happy that this was put on the agenda by the IGF…
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>> ANDREA THILO:  There was one question that leads us directly, that was digitally pronounced, how can SMEs be supported to connect the unconnected?  Which leads directly to the next High Level Panel, Internet Governance and…
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>> ANDREA THILO: Let us take a minute now, please, to remember someone who can unfortunately not be with us anymore.  And may I ask the Under‑Secretary‑General Liu Zhenmin to take the floor and share his thoughts and memories.…
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*** >> LIMA MADOMI:  Hi, Jutta, can you hear me? >> JUTTA CROLL:  I can hear you. >> LIMA MADOMI:  I think Markus is having some problem because we were in a meeting just before this meeting and suddenly I…
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>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Good afternoon, good evening, and good morning, thank you to joining us to MAG virtual meeting No. 12.  Just the legal stuff, this meeting is being recorded.  A transcript will come out later on.  …
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   >> CHAIR:  Welcome, everybody.  This is a tough first call since our MAG meeting.  And thanks again to everyone for a productive open consultation and MAG meeting the week of 15th June.  Our agenda is very…
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>> SECRETARIAT:  Good afternoon, morning, and evening, ladies and gentlemen.  This is MAG Meeting Number 10 and the usual, this meeting is being recorded and also being transcribed and a Summary Report will be posted a couple of days…
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>>CHENGETAI MASANGO:   Okay.  Good afternoon, evening, and morning, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to the second day of Open Consultations for the IGF 2020 meeting.  As yesterday, before we start I'd like to…
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 >>CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Okay.  Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to the third and final day of the MAG meeting, our second set of open consultations and MAG meeting.  Just to…
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 >>CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Okay.  Good afternoon, good evening, and good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  This is the second day of the MAG meeting of the June open consultations event MAG meeting.  Just a few statements…
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