>> Inclusivity about sustainable and trustworthy. Are right at the heart of what digital identity is all about. And so if we look at this discussion today, and think that by 2024 there may be 5 billion people who are in some way using digital…
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>> CATH CORINNE: This seems to be working. Good morning, everyone. Thanks so much to coming to this Round Table on how to really do AI governance beyond voluntary ethics frameworks. I want to extend a special welcome to…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning, everyone. We will start the next session now. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, good morning, good morning. I would like the people at the end of the hall to please allow us to start the…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning, those here for the cyber norms workshop, let's begin as soon as possible. We only have one hour and a lot of things to discuss, so we are starting on time.
(Audio skipping)
>> MODERATOR: It evolves…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everybody. Dear guests, welcome to our session, How and Why to Involve Perspectives of Children Effectively. My name is Daniela. I'm media policy advisor of Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk. A German…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning, everyone. We would like to start in two or three minutes for more audience to come. We will start at 35 sharp.
>> MODERATOR: Okay. Good morning welcome to our session. My name is…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everyone. Welcome to this session. I hope you all had a good lunch. As you can see, this session is focused on children, and specifically cyberbullying in this digital age. And we aim to take the…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning to everyone. I think we can get started. Good afternoon, sorry, to everyone. I'm jet lagged still. Good afternoon to everyone. And thank you very much for being here at this…
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IGF 2019 – Day 3 – Estrel Saal C – WS #381 Unpacking Digital Trade Impacts: Calling all Stakeholders
>> MODERATOR: Good afternoon, everyone. Almost good evening. The sunsetting to the end of day. Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for being here. My name is Bruna. I'll be your moderator. If any of you…
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>> SPEAKER: We should start with warning you all. This is the BPF on local content, and it's not the first time there is a best practice on one of these issues. It started in 2014, as you read in the document.
And it's an…
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>> THE MODERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning and welcome to this session of best practice forum on IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence.
I am BPF cofacilitator, together with Alex and Michael, and we also are BPF…
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IGF 2019 – Day 3 – Estrel Saal B – WS #244 Inclusion & Representation: Enabling Local Content growth
>> MODERATOR: Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you so much for coming to this workshop on the Issues of Local Content Inclusion and Representation, Strategies to Enable and Make Sustainable Local Content.
I'm Bertrand Mouillier, and I…
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>> ANJA GENGO: Hello, everyone. I ask you to take your seats, please. We will start in one minute from now. Thank you.
Dear colleagues, thank you very much for coming to the NRI Coordination Session. My name is Anja…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everyone. We're not quite ready to start. I know there are some of you that would like to pay your and membership dues. Jennifer is taking record to make sure there's a record you paid your membership dues.
Okay. I…
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>> SMITA VANNIYAR: Hi, good morning. Can I request the ones sitting a little further away to move closer because we are hoping that the session will be more of a conversation so this will be helpful. If it is okay for you, not…
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