>> MODERATOR: Distinguished guests and esteemed panelists, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or good night, depending on where you are joining us from. Welcome to this important session on promoting of the digital emblem. I am…
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>> MODERATOR WOUT de NATRIS: Welcome. It's working. The other room the light was on. Now it's on. Welcome to the session on IS3C on "On How to Procure/Purchase Secure by Design ICT". What you saw online almost doesn't exist anymore…
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>> MODERATOR SEQUERA: Okay, thank you very much. I want to thank you for all being here. We are going to start this panel. "Strategic Litigation in LATAM on Gender Digital Violence".So we can start with the video. In Spanish.[…
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>> Dynamic Coalition on schools and Internet governance session. We have a fairly full agenda. We don't quite have everybody in the room yet, but we can get started.So the first thing ‑‑ let me just go through the agenda that…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everyone. Good morning. Hello to everyone who is here. Thank you for being present. Hello to everyone following us online. Welcome to our session which is titled Beneath the…
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>> MODERATOR: May I request those participating or attending this can come to this side? Left and right? Because there is no point all of you sitting behind the panel. We have space on the right and…
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>> Dynamic Coalition on schools and Internet governance session. We have a fairly full agenda. We don't quite have everybody in the room yet, but we can get started.So the first thing ‑‑ let me just go through the agenda that we've got…
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>> CYNTHIA LO: All right. Welcome everybody. Thank you for joining us this morning. Today we're talking on a workshop on connecting open code with policymakers to development.And an agenda that we have here today, we're going to go through…
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>> JANE ROBERTS COFFIN: Good morning everyone. Welcome to workshop 292. The workshop organisers are sitting here with our wonderful panel. I'm Jane. This is Senka. I'm going to give a quick overview of why we're here, in theory. And we'…
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>> BRUNA MARTINS dos SANTOS: I'm going to start off with the session. Welcome to the town hall that's called Protect People and Elections, not Big Tech! Initial disclaimer, this town hall is being organized by Digital Action.…
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>> DANIEL O'MALEY: We should go ahead and get started. We only have an hour. >> NICK BENEQUISTA: Okay. Good morning. Good morning, everyone. And good morning to those joining…
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>> PAVLINA ITTELSON: Hello. Welcome. If you would like to discuss civil society participation in international fora on internet governance and the inclusiveness of the spaces. You're in the right room. I see that this is the time…
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>> DANIEL O'MALEY: We're sorting out some technical issues but we will get it working, for those joining online. Hi, good morning, good afternoon. Waqas, are you online? Are we able to hear you? Are we able? We're checking to…
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>> HENDRICK IKE: Hello, good morning, everybody. Thank you for making it here so early on the first slot of this being the second day officially of the IGF '23. My name is Hendrik Ike. I'm a public affairs officer at GÉANT,…
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